
Chinese New Year Dragon

Chinese Dragon Room 13 Room 13 has been studying about Chinese New Year. We decided to make a colourful, wavy dragon. We made it by tracing and then cutting out our hand shapes and gluing them all together to

By |18th February 2016|Room 13|2 Comments

Middle School Newsletter Term 1, 2016

We would like to extend a warm welcome to all those students and their families who have joined the Middle School this year and we are looking forward to a great year of learning. This is going to be a

By |15th February 2016|Middle Newsletters|Comments Off on Middle School Newsletter Term 1, 2016

Middle School Visit to Pigeon Mountain Wetlands/Wakaaranga Estuary

Dear ParentsTo support the learning for our Inquiry this term the Year 3 and 4  team are going to make a journey by bus to visit the Pigeon Mountain wetlands, the Wakaaranga estuary and the Rotary walkway on the following

By |15th February 2016|Middle Newsletters|0 Comments

Room 13 and the Worm Bins

Courtney from the Enviro Council taught us about the worm bins.  Here are some of the things we learnt:The worms will die if they eat plastic, so please don't put plastic in the worm bins.Worms don't like acidic food so

By |10th February 2016|Classes, Middle School, Rm 15 Enviro Action Plan, Room 13|1 Comment

ENVIRO minion called Bob

Room 17 has had a lot of fun making our minion.

By |28th November 2015|Room 17|0 Comments

Market Day


By |28th November 2015|Room 15|0 Comments

Alphabet treasure hunting with Room 5 buddies

By |28th November 2015|Room 13|0 Comments

Poem of the Week – Dan the Dog

Here is Indie's poem of the week.

By |28th November 2015|Room 5|0 Comments

Tabloid Sports

Today we had our first Tabloid Sports. Everyone in the Junior School was mixed up and put into 17 groups. Each group did three different activities. Some of them were the sandpit, moon hoppers, skipping, tennis, running races, throwing and

By |28th November 2015|Room 5|0 Comments
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