
Up the creek trip!

By |4th March 2016|Room 5|0 Comments

Howick Rotary Fun Run & Walk – Ages 7 and up

Your child has expressed interest in joining a team of four to help BBPS retain the Crawford Cup at the annual Rotary Fun Run & Walk.The event will be held on the morning of Sunday 20th March and the junior

By |4th March 2016|Junior Newsletters, Middle Newsletters, Other General Newsletters, Senior Newsletters|Comments Off on Howick Rotary Fun Run & Walk – Ages 7 and up

BBPS Tread Lightly

PARENT HELPER NOTICE2 March 2016Dear Parents/CaregiversThank you for your support with our ongoing Enviroschool actions.Next week (Monday 7 March – Friday 11 March) every child at BBPS will visit an onsite Environmental caravan, at a cost of $2.50 each, to

By |2nd March 2016|Junior Newsletters, Middle Newsletters, Other General Newsletters, Senior Newsletters|Comments Off on BBPS Tread Lightly

Food for Our Worms

Watch our video to find out what our worms DO and Do Not like to eat.

By |29th February 2016|Enviro-Group, Room 13, Videos|2 Comments

Room 13 and Room 7 Buddies

By |26th February 2016|Classes, Room 13, Room 7|0 Comments

Library Information Centre Opening Ceremony:

On Monday 22nd of February at 11.00am, the entire school, family members and invited guests enjoyed a beautiful Maori blessing, kapahaka performance and a story read by the famous author, Jill Eggleton.  The occasion was the celebration of the much

Room 14’s version of ‘Fish Head Soup’ by Jill Eggleton

By |25th February 2016|Room 14|1 Comment

Room 14’s Bio Poems

By |24th February 2016|Room 14|0 Comments

Room 5’s self portraits

By |24th February 2016|Classes, Room 5|1 Comment

Swimming fun!

By |24th February 2016|Classes, Room 5|0 Comments
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