
What Animals do Mangroves Shelter?

A presentation made by Loren and Kate

By |15th April 2016|Room 13|0 Comments

What Are Mangroves?

Click on the link to read our presentation.What are mangroves?

By |14th April 2016|Room 13|0 Comments

Life Cycle of a Mangrove

Watch our movie to find out about mangroves. Made by Samuel and Kaden

By |14th April 2016|Room 13|2 Comments

Mangroves by Alana and Yasu

Click on the title to read our presentation.

By |14th April 2016|Room 13|0 Comments

Mangroves by Chiara, Moses and Jamie

Click on the title to read our presentation.

By |14th April 2016|Classes, Room 13|2 Comments

Writing a Hook

Swimming CarnivalOn the best day ever I went to the class swimming carnival  and I did freestyle. I pushed of the wall and I gained my strength. In freestyle it felt like ice cubes were flowing around  my body in

By |13th April 2016|Rm 13 Writing, Room 13|0 Comments

Kia Ora from Ms. Yo!

Hello! My name is Ms. Yo and I'm a university student teacher from the United States of America. I've been teaching in Room 15 with Mrs. Howie and her Year 3 students for 6 weeks now and unfortunately, my time

By |13th April 2016|Classes, Room 15|0 Comments

What Animals do the Mangroves Shelter?

Click on the title to read our presentation. Made by Cerys and Tara 

By |13th April 2016|Room 13|0 Comments

Where in NZ do Mangroves Grow?

We hope you enjoy our slide about mangroves. Stella, Caitlin and Shuja  

By |12th April 2016|Room 13|0 Comments

Why do People Want to Keep the Mangroves?

We have made a presentation about mangroves. Click on the slides to read the questions we had about mangroves.William, Brooklyn and Patrick. 

By |12th April 2016|Room 13|0 Comments
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