
Darshana’s learning

By |1st June 2016|Classes, Room 5|0 Comments

The Trip to Motat

When we first went to Motat to learn about inventions and inventors, all of Room 2 first went to a place where we learnt about the human body. I learnt that 95 per cent of pee is made from water.

Our visit to Motat

On Thursday 26 of May we got on the school bus and we arrived at Motat and there was a person named Abby at the gate to meet us.  She said that she would be our guide and the gates

Readers Theatre

We are learning to present our poem as a readers theatre.Matthew, William, Kaden, Yasu  

By |27th May 2016|Classes, Room 13|0 Comments

Island description

The Island is burning hot The sky is clear whiteThe sun’s rays shine through my faceThe tree blows through the island

By |25th May 2016|Classes, Room 2, Senior School, Writing, Writing|0 Comments

That Was Summer

  Remember that time When you were fishing? and you felt a massive tug on the line and you got the snapper aboard. It was a beast and you lifted it And you dropped it aboard It was that heavy You were so stoked. That Was Summer. Remember the time When you

By |25th May 2016|Classes, Rm 13 Writing, Room 2, Senior School, Writing|0 Comments

Tropical island

I am on a warm tropical island. The sun is making me as hot as an oven.The sand scratching my feet. I felt relaxed when I was lying on the sand. I jumped into the cold water. It was interesting

By |25th May 2016|Classes, Room 2, Senior School, Writing|1 Comment

Science Week in Year 3 and 4

The Middle Team have been busy exploring and experimenting with forces. We tested the force of magnets and air pressure, we made parachutes and catapults and we moved colours around on a plate. Can you see what science is happening?

By |24th May 2016|Classes, Inquiry, Middle School|0 Comments

The Beach

The sun is gazing on my legs.The sun is like a thick blanket on my body.It started to get too hot. I decided to to go under a coconut tree so then I could get some shade. It did feel

Bully Free Week

Dear ParentsThis article in "Bully Free Week"  may be of interest to you http://www.faithit.com/worst-nightmare-raising-the-bully-leslie-blanchard/  Regards Dorothy Bigwood

By |19th May 2016|Junior Newsletters, Middle Newsletters, Other General Newsletters, Senior Newsletters|Comments Off on Bully Free Week
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