
The Three Parrots

We have retold the legend of the Three Parrots. We hope you like our iMovie. Retold by Yasu and Shenae.

By |27th June 2016|Room 13|0 Comments

Parent Conferences T2 2016 – Chinese Version

亲爱的家长:交流会 & 报告 – 第二学期 - 2016 每年新西兰所有学校都需要向家长提供两份书面报告,以汇报学生的学习进展与成果。BBPS坚信,如果家长能积极参与孩子的学习并建立良好的家-校联系,将极大促进学生的学习。进展与成果报告学生在入学的第一年、第二年、第三年将会收到学习进展与年终报告,但具体时间取决于学生的出生年月:生日家长-老师交流会(入学新生)进展报告(入学6个月、18个月、30个月后)年终报告(入学1年、2年或三年后)12月 所有学生在入学1年、2年、3年后的12月份都将另收到一份年终报告,补充说明学生在除了规定的国家标准课程以外的其他领域的情况。1-3月第一学期第三学期第一学期4-6月第二学期第四学期第二学期7-9月第三学期第一学期第三学期10-12月第四学期第二学期第四学期交流会第二学期期末,学校将组织三方交流会:三方交流会服务于所有学生;新入学的学生的交流会主要由老师和家长组织。时间:7月5日 星期二:        3.15 p.m. – 5.30 p.m.7月6日 星期三:        3.15 p.m. – 5.30 p.m.            7月7日 星期四:        3.15 p.m. – 5.00 p.m.             5.45 p.m. – 8.00 p.m. 家长请务必提前预定交流会的时间,打开以下网址并输入密码:网址:www.schoolinterviews.co.nz  密码: 3t3k5 请将该信件放入您的红色A5报告文件夹中,以便日后参考查阅。 我们欢迎家长在提前预约的情况下,与班级老师、年级负责老师或校长本人进行更多的沟通交流。 谨致问候 Dorothy BigwoodPrincipal   中文翻译 – 请勾选其中一项选项并交到学校办公室。¨ 是的,我希望在三方交流会中有汉语助教提供翻译支持。¨ 不,我不需要汉语助教为三方交流会提供翻译支持。

HPPA Dance Festival 2016 – 8/9 August

 Dear ParentsThis year’s dance festival will be held on Monday 8 August and Tuesday 9 August at the Elim Christian College Auditorium.Dress rehearsal:This will be held on the morning of Monday 8th. The students will travel by bus to and

Mae’s Migration Project

For my project I planned out what I was going to say and do.  I got my mom and my dad to help.  My mom filmed it for me.  I interviewed my dad on where he was from.  I learned that

By |23rd June 2016|Classes, Room 17|0 Comments

Matariki Rotation

Today the whole school took part in a Matariki Rotation. The whole school moved from class to class learning many new skills and completing activities that included art, singing, cooperative games and learning about Maori traditions.

Skyping with Students in China

This afternoon the Robotics Group met at school to talk to students in a class in Nanjing to ask them how their country recycles e-waste - old computers, tablets and printers.  The Chinese students were in class with their English

Yasu’s Pepeha

I am learning to read my pepeha aloud.

By |18th June 2016|Room 13|0 Comments

The Three Parrots

We are learning to retell a legend. This is the story of the three parrots and how they got their names. Written and produced by William and Samantha.

By |18th June 2016|Room 13|0 Comments

William’s Pepeha

I am learning to read my pepeha aloud.

By |18th June 2016|Room 13|0 Comments

Tara’s Pepeha

I am learning to read my pepeha aloud.

By |18th June 2016|Classes, Room 13|0 Comments
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