
Dylan Kennett

In room 17 we have been learning about the Olympics.  We wanted to learn about Dylan Kennett. Dylan Kennett is a New Zealand racing cyclist.   He was born on the 8th of December, 1994 in Christchurch.   He came first place

By |22nd August 2016|Inquiry, Room 17|0 Comments

Olympian Support Poem

Olympian Support Poem You train hard you dream big.You try your best and never give in.Keep on training and playing your bestand you will be the best of the best.So keep going, don't stop.Dream big and reach your goalTill you find the

By |18th August 2016|Room 13, Writing|0 Comments

Olympic Wordsearch

How many words can you find?Let us know in the comments what you think.Olympic Wordsearch t o m a p r t s g g s f r s z j y e m w r x t a a r

By |18th August 2016|Rm 13 Writing, Room 13|0 Comments


We have been learning to write in different ways about the Olympics. This is my made-up sport.My made up sport is a mix of soccer and hockey. So it is pretty simple. You just play hockey with a soccer ball,

By |18th August 2016|Room 13, Writing|0 Comments

Olympic Rap

We have been learning to use different ways to write about the Olympics. I've written a Rap Song.Go go go team never give up.If you run then you fall then get back up.This might be a very hard taskbut we've

By |18th August 2016|Rm 13 Writing, Room 13|1 Comment

Matariki – Group 1

This is the story of Matariki as told by Victoria, Alex H and Connor.  Group 1  

By |18th August 2016|Inquiry, Inquiry, Inquiry, Inquiry Learning, Room 2, Senior School, Writing|1 Comment

The Story of Matariki -Group 4

This is the story by Troy, Raymond, Nick and Alfie   Group 4

By |18th August 2016|Inquiry, Inquiry, Inquiry, Inquiry Learning, Room 2, Senior School, Writing|0 Comments

What if animals were round?

Today we watched this short clip and wrote some creative stories. Feel free to come in and read these! 'What if animals were round?'      

By |18th August 2016|Room 14|1 Comment

Year 3 and 4 Dance Festival

By |17th August 2016|Events, Middle Newsletters, Middle School|0 Comments

Cross Country

I was in the 2nd row and the teacher blew the whistle. "Toot" and we were off, we ran through the alleyway. We had to stay to the left. I was coming 4th, Noah, Felix and somebody else was in

By |17th August 2016|Room 14|0 Comments
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