
Naomi’s Olympic Concrete Poem

I have been learning about making Olympic Poems. Then I turned it into a concrete (shape) poem.The tricky part was when I was writing the words, turning and twisting my paper, and I thought the words were too small.

By |1st September 2016|Room 13|0 Comments

Matthew’s Olympic Concrete Poem

I am learning  to write a concrete poem. I am proud of my poem because it was hard to put the words into the shape at the same time. I got a sticker for writing my concrete poem using adjectives

By |1st September 2016|Rm 13 Writing, Room 13|0 Comments

Tara’s Olympic Poem

My concrete poem is about Eliza McCartney jumping over the pole vault. The tricky thing was creating the pole vault and the pole.  

By |1st September 2016|Room 13|0 Comments

Olympic Concrete Poem

I think hearing other people telling me their poem helped me a lot to write my own poem.

By |30th August 2016|Rm 13 Writing, Room 13|0 Comments

Olympic Concrete Poem

My poem is showing a description of how Eliza McCartney felt when she was competing in the pole vault.

By |30th August 2016|Rm 13 Writing, Room 13|0 Comments

Olympic Concrete Poem

I am learning to write a concrete poem. I chose shot put because we won silver and bronze. 

By |30th August 2016|Room 13, Writing|0 Comments

Room 7 Want to Win the Ice Blocks!

Room 17 Cross Country 2016

By |23rd August 2016|Room 17|0 Comments

Cross country

On Friday the Year 3, 4, 5 and 6s ran the cross country track.  I sat next to Alex M and we warmed up together then ... Mrs Chilvers said it was the Year 5 girls turn to run. I was

By |22nd August 2016|Classes, Room 2, School Events, Sports, Writing|0 Comments

Courtney McGregor

      Courtney McGregor By Nina, Julia and John We wanted to learn about Courtney because she is very fit and really good at gymnastics.  We found some interesting facts about her. Here is some information about Courtney.  

By |22nd August 2016|Inquiry, Room 17, Writing|0 Comments
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