

This is my narrative about a girl who was late to a cruise, this cruise is not an ordinary cruise, but a Goose Cruise. Read to find out what a Goose Cruise is. Click to view my tale.

By |19th September 2016|Room 13|0 Comments

Things Disappear

I have written a narrative about things disappearing and being forgotten so I hope you enjoy.Click to view my tale.

By |19th September 2016|Middle School, Rm 13 Writing, Room 13|0 Comments

Chinese Assembly

This afternoon our school assembly was devoted to Chinese cultural items as this week is Chinese Language Week.  Miss Chen, our Mandarin Language Assistant, organised and led the students who performed.  Students from the Middle School performed a Chinese Fan Dance.

By |16th September 2016|Events, Middle School, Room 2, School Events, School Events, Senior School|0 Comments

Te Tuhi

On Monday Room 2 went to Te Tuhi. Te Tuhi is a big art gallery.  It was huge. There was a lady called Charlotte and she was leading us for the morning. The first thing we did iwas we had

By |15th September 2016|Room 2, Senior School, Writing, Writing|0 Comments

Bio Mass Energy

  Click on the image for an enlarged view.  

Loving Heart

      Loving Heart By Maddison De Bie I created this work of art by using pencil,  pastels, and markers. Some things I learned while creating it were the colours have to be bright because it can show up

By |13th September 2016|Art, Classes, Room 17|0 Comments

Shenae’s Concrete poem.

My concrete poem is in the shape of a Gymnastics bar.I learned that you can't rush it because if you do then it will look messy, and rushed and I wouldn't want that to happen.

By |9th September 2016|Rm 13 Writing, Room 13|0 Comments

Stella’s Concrete Poem

This is my concrete poem in the shape of the pole vaulting uniform. 

By |9th September 2016|Rm 13 Writing, Room 13|0 Comments

Bottle flip

In room 13 we have been learning about forces and what happens when we do an experiment using gravity. We have investigated how to do the bottle flip. We have been using scientific words like mass, aerodynamic, Gravity, force, momentum

By |9th September 2016|Room 13|0 Comments

Koanga Festival 2016

Dear ParentsThe BBPS Kapa Haka group will be participating in the 2016 Koanga Festival at Bucklands Beach Intermediate School on Saturday 17th September.The festival will run throughout the day, with performances from many schools in the local area. BBPS will

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