
Tip Top Schools Fun Day 2017 – Chinese Version

三至六年級 Fonterra Tip Top 同學曰致家長:有關四月九日(星期日)由 Pakuranga 國際扶輪會會舉行的Tip top 學校同樂曰2017。一年一度的Tip top 同樂曰, 將會在Pakuranga Edgewater College 舉行, 每年大約有18-24 間學校參加(大約800 名學生)。到時將有不同的遊戲舉行, 歡迎大人小朋友一同參與,享受同學日的氣氛。我們希望每十個學生就一個成人隊長, 活動時間由早上九點四十五分至下午二時。此活動採取先到先得,額滿即止。參加費用$3.50。 請把通告及費用交給Room 3 在三月二十四日前。我期待你們的參與。此致Faye Chilvers負責老師

Tip Top Schools Fun Day 2017

 Dear ParentsOn Sunday 9 April the Rotary Club of Pakuranga through its Youth Committee - welcomes our school to participate in Fonterra Tip Top Schools 2017 Fun Day.As you may be aware, the Fonterra Tip Top Schools Fun Day is

By |20th March 2017|Middle Newsletters, Other General Newsletters, Senior Newsletters, Sports|Comments Off on Tip Top Schools Fun Day 2017

Middle School Swimming Carnival – Chinese Version

致家長:有關三,四年級水上嘉年華活動為了慶祝學生學習新事物和發展技巧,在本學期的游泳課程中,我校將會舉行開心水上嘉年華。將會有不同的水上活動給不同游泳程度的學生。有關是次活動內容及安排,敬請家長注意,各項詳情如下:時間: 2017年3月22曰 -----早上11 時至中午12:30設備 :游泳衣游水鏡毛巾x2 條運動服太陽帽防曬乳液保䁔外套歡迎各家長前來參加,我們會有不同長度的比賽和有趣水上活動舉行。由於此活動屬本校課程一部份,故所有學生均需參加,如貴子女不能參加,請家長通知班老師及說明原因,期望家長支持。如遇惡劣天氣,此活動將會取消。我們想提醒一下大家,根據學校規則,請不要帶狗隻參加此活動。歡迎家長帶備午餐,活動完結後跟貴子女在草地一起分享。期待看見家長的到來。此致Middle School Team LeaderDebbie Rist

By |16th March 2017|Middle Newsletters|Comments Off on Middle School Swimming Carnival – Chinese Version

Year 3&4 Swimming Carnival – Wednesday 22 March

14 March 2017Dear Parents/Caregivers  As part of our Swimming Programme this term we will be holding a fun Swimming Carnival to celebrate our new learning and the development of skills.  We have included a range of events to ensure we

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Beach Cleanup

Please click on the link to read our story about what we did at the beach cleanup on Friday. https://www.sutori.com/story/eastern-beach-cleanup

By |27th February 2017|Room 13|0 Comments

Community Trip Reminder Middle Team students will be taking part in a trip around the Bucklands Beach community as part of their Inquiry on Thursday 2 March. We will be walking or travelling by bus to Musick Point, Eastern Beach, and

By |27th February 2017|Events, Middle Newsletters, Other General Newsletters|0 Comments

Beach Clean Up – Chinese

 Please see your class teacher for more information. Thank you.

Beach Cleanup

Beach Cleanup17 February 2017Dear ParentsAs part of our Inquiry Topic we have been learning about being a conscientious member of our community. Next Friday 24th February, all classes will be taking part in a beach clean up to demonstrate how

Book Character Parade

This morning the Junior School and the Middle School had a book character parade around the courtyard to celebrate the end of a successful Book Fair Week. Travis said," We can write about how great it was."Ranya said, "We saw a

Middle Team Newsletter – Term 1 2017

WELCOMEWe would like to extend a warm welcome to all those students and their families who have joined the Middle School this year and we are looking forward to a great year of learning.  This is  going to be a

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