
Braith’s Anzac Poem

Bang Bang is all you could hear.The smell of gunpowder was all you could smell.It tasted like smoke in the air.So many soldiers lay very still.By Braith

By |12th May 2017|Room 13|0 Comments

Chloé F’s ANZAC poem

Anzac DayAnzac tastes like canned bully beef and rotten fruit jam.It smells like blood and gunpowder.It sounds like guns then silence.It looks like men dead on the ground.We still remember them and learn more about them.By Chloé Frearson

By |12th May 2017|Room 13|0 Comments

Middle School Newsletter – Term 2 – Chinese Version

歡迎 歡迎各家長及學生加入我們的中級學班,這個學期將會是一個忙碌又興奮的學期。 如家長對孩子在學習或家庭上有任何問題,請聯絡學校老師尋求協助。各班老師電郵地址可參考學校網站 - 去"我們的人" 再到"我們的員工"就能找到老師的聯絡資料。 重要提醒 校服 學生必須穿著正確及整齊校服,皮鞋/涼鞋必須黑色及適合跑步活動。如因特殊情況未能穿上校服,請通知老師及解釋有關原因。 學生也必須穿上正確的學校運動服及藍色短褲和合適運動鞋,以便運動課堂使用。 運動課是學校課程的一部份。 中級學班的運動課是每週星期一 及星期三(老師:Mr Grimmer),星期三的運動課會與美術課輪換交替,課堂內容包括體操,跳舞及遊戲等活動。請帶備運動服以備課堂使用。 家課 中級學班家課是以每週形式發放,學生須於固定時間內完成家課,三,四年級學生每天大約須時二十分鐘。家課內容包括每日閲讀,串字及數學。 家課的作用是鼓勵學生們發展良好的學習技能及習慣,亦提供機會孩子分享给父母學習情況和幫助學生對學習的責任。 閱讀包/圖書包用途是存放圖書,如學生沒有帶備閱讀包/圖書包,將不獲發圖書回家閱讀。請家長每天陪伴孩子閲讀,養成一個良好的閲讀習慣。 課堂規則 課堂規則將會在此學期幾週後定立下来,也會在早會分享给所有學生,讓學生遵守。 了解社區 在上個學期中级年班探訪過Musick Point, Eastern Beach 及 Pigeon Mountain ,那天大家都步行了大約五公里, 亦拍了很多相片及視頻。 我們印象深刻學生們的良好行為及投入地學習。 大部分學生都製作了此活動的海報,視頻及有關計劃書,家長可以到課室內觀賞或iPad參觀學生們的作品,整個學習目的是希望學生們了解自己居住的社區。 第二個學期焦點 科學路展 這將會是一個興趣及互動的學習經驗,學校將會在禮堂上舉行。 八十分鐘課程活動包括: 現場表演及展覽以擴大學生科學,科技,工程及數學知識。五個基礎科學 主題 觀察;熱能;電力;重力;磁性和人類的能力 科學路展每位學生費用為$7.5。 資訊焦點 在第八週,我們計劃安排學校社區活動,包括蛋糕攤位,漢堡包攤位及與小年級舉行野餐等活動。 如果家長們能夠協助有關活動或提供任何活動意見,請聯絡學生班老師。 在這學期,數學焦點是學習金錢和乘數表。而英文焦點是信件寫作及說服力文章。 金融知識 第六週的星期三,ASB 銀行將親臨學校提供理財講座。 學校網站和自攜設備 學校網站是一個很方便渠道為學生告假,查閱學校各年級最新月報和訂購午餐,可以透過"學生聲音"了解學生情況,也可以評論或讚揚學生的作品。 重要曰子 5 June - 皇后生日假期 (學校假期)7 June - 理財講座12-16 June ( 第七週)小年級製作19-23 June (第八週)社區活動週26-30 June (第九週) Matariki 28 June - 科學路展3,4 July 家長見面會7 July -

Ezra’s Anzac Poem

ANZAC PoemANZAC Day is red, white, black and blue.It smells like gunpowder.It also smells like burnt planes.I hear German planes in the distance.Wait, did I say I can hear German planes in the distance?Uh oh. German attack. Ezra

By |11th May 2017|Room 13|1 Comment

Aimee’s Anzac Poem

 ANZACANZAC Day looks like hurt soldiers and lots of army tanks fighting hardly.ANZAC sounds like loud heavy guns shooting.ANZAC smells like deep foggy smoke covering the air and gunpowder.ANZAC is red and black.

By |11th May 2017|Room 13|0 Comments

Olly’s Anzac Poem

 1% safe with guns and bully beef as the marching soldiers get shot one by one. The war continues until 100,000 soldiers get shot. Finally peace hits. Everyone is happy. Olly

By |11th May 2017|Room 13|0 Comments

Aryana’s Anzac poem

ANZACWe wear our poppies with pride and remember the people who fought for us so we can live this lovely life we live now.We will remember them by Aryana

By |11th May 2017|Room 13|1 Comment

Middle Team Newsletter Term 2

WELCOMEWe would like to extend a warm welcome to all those students and their families who have joined the Middle School this term.  This is  going to be a busy and exciting term.Please do not hesitate to contact the school

Week 8’s Full Assembly:

Many proud students received their badges at Friday's assembly; librarians, enviro-leaders and school councillors. 

After School Chess Club – Terms 2 & 3, 2017

Enrolment FormAs planned, our school will be receiving regular ‘master chess coaching’ after school on Tuesdays (beginning Tuesday 2 May – Tuesday 26 September – i.e. all of Terms 2 & 3). Students will go to Room 13 at 3:00

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